OKAZION! Ne Tirane ne zonen e fshatit Prush
SHITET ose jepet me
QERA Toke 2500 m2 bashke me nje ndertese 600 m2 me leje ndertimi. Toka eshte me certifikate pronesie. Toka dhe ndertesa te cilat ndodhen buze asfaltit kane hapsirat e duhura dhe eshte projektuar per kantine vere por eshte e pershtatshme per zhvillimin e cdo lloj aktivitet biznesi si psh fabrike per prodhimin e djathit ose mocareles, shtypshkronje,magazine te produkteve te ndryshme apo repart pune per prodhime te ndryshme..
Toka gjithashtu ka sistem uji dhe energjie. Ndodhet buze rruges kryesore.
Shitet: 270.000 Euro i diskutueshem
Qeraja: 2.000 Euro/muaj
Per cdo informacion kontaktoni ne:

In Tirana in the village area Prush
SHITET or rented with
2500 m2 RENT Land with a
600 m2 building permit. The land is owned by a certificate of ownership. As you can see and from the illustrated photos the land and the buildings have the right spaces and is designed for the winery but is suitable for the development of any kind of business activity such as cheese making or cheese mill, magazine of different products or ward working for different products. The land also has water and energy systems.
Price: 270.000 Euro
Rent: 2000 Euro / month
For any information contact us at:
Cel. 0698095095