SHITET Apartament 2+1 ne Ali Dem

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    104 m2
    bedroom 2 bedrooms
    bathroom 2 baths
    74,000 €
    year_built: 2017
 Shitet apartament 2+1 me punime shume cilesore ne zonen e Ali Demit. Apartamenti eshte komplet i ri dhe ndodhet ne katin e 2 te nje pallati 7 katesh. Siperfaqe totale e apartamentit eshte 104.7 m2. Apartamenti ka infrastrukture komplet moderne dhe me punimet me cilesore ne treg. Eshte me sistem kapot, dhe dritaret jane te pajisura me grila murale. Apartamenti orgnizohet ne 2 dhoma gjumi te shtruara me parket, 2 tualete, ballkon, dhe nje sallon shume te madh dhe guzhina. Orientimi i apartamentit eshte nga lindja, gje te cilin e ben te ndricuar me drite natyrale ne cdo kohe. Eshte i pajisur me 2 ashensore, nje per njerezit dhe nje per makinat. I gjithe pallati eshte i ndricuar me drite natyrale dhe nga ana e shkalleve. Pallati eshte me askes ne bulevardin e ri dhe shume prane gjithe linjave urbanistike. Pallati i sapo-perfunduar eshte ne proces legalizimi dhe eshte dhe me parking.
Shitet: 74000 Euro
Per nje vizite ne prone na kontaktoni ne: 
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

 Apartment for sale 2 + 1 with very high-quality Ali Demit area. The apartment is brand new and is located on the 2-nd floor of a 7-storey building. The total area of the apartment is 104.7 m2. The apartment has the complete modern infrastructure and with the quality works in the market. It is equipped with a hatchback system, and the windows are equipped with wall-mounted screens. The apartment is organized in 2 bedrooms paved with parquet, 2 bathrooms, balcony, and a large salon and kitchen. The orientation of the apartment is from the east, which makes it illuminated with natural light at all times. It is equipped with 2 lifts, one for people and one for cars. The entire palace is illuminated by natural light and by stairs. The palace is on one side of the new boulevard and very close to all urban lines. The newly completed palace is in the process of legalization and have even parking.
Price: 74000 Euro
For a visit to the property contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona
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  • Sistem ngrohjeSistem ngrohje
  • Tualet me dritareTualet me dritare

 Eficenca Energjitike:

 Të dhëna të tjera
  • Nr. Referencës: TR 0391 A2
  • Kati Nr.: 2
  • Nr i Dhomave: 2+1


SHITET Apartament 2+1 ne Ali Dem DBC_PURPOSE_SALE
74,000 €
address: Ali Demi
city: Rruga Ali Demi
state_province: Tiranë


5 + 6 = ?

 Llgoarit kredinë


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