Buze rruges kryesore, prane pallateve Cabej ne Misto Mame shitet apartament 2+1. Apartamenti ndodhet ne katin e 4 te nje pallati 8 katesh i cili sapo ka perfunduar. Siperfaqja totale e apartamentit eshte 89 m2, ku 79.9 m2 jane te brendshme. Ka sallonin, guzhinen, 2 dhoma gjumi, 2 tualete dhe ballkonin. Punimet jane shume cilesore me dyer te blinduara dhe hidrozolime shume te mira. Apartamentin e kap dielli gjate gjithe kohes dhe pothuajse ne te tre drejtimet. Eshte me kontrate shitjeje. Ne momentin qe do te blihet dhe hipoteka do te kaloje shume shpejt ne duart e bleresit. Sapo jane vene dyert dhe eshte montuar dhe ashensori.
Shitet: 43000 Euro
Per me shume na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

Close to the main street, near Cabej Complex, is for sale 2 + 1 apartment. The apartment is located on the 4th floor of a 8-storey building which has just finished. The total area of the apartment is 89 m2, where 79.9 m2 is interior. There are the salon, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets and a balcony. The works are very qualitative with very good armoured doors and very good qualitative. The apartment catches the sun all the time and almost in all three directions. It's a sales contract. At the moment you buy it and your mortgage will go very fast.
For sale: 43000 Euro
For more information contact us:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona