Ne zonen e Ali Demit, pran ish fushes sportit shitet apartament 2+1 ne nje pallat me ashensor. Apartamenti eshte ndertim i ri, i 2014, me kontrate shitjeje. Siperfaqja totale e apartamentit eshte 83.45 m2, ku 72 m2 jane neto te brendshme. Apartamenti ka punime cilesore, ndodhet ne katin e 3 banim dhe eshte i organizuar ne 2 dhoma gjumi, salloni bashke me guzhinen, korridori, nje verande e madhe dhe nje tualet me dritare e cila eshte e pajisur dhe me kabine dushi. Ndodhet ne lagje te qete dhe prane linjave urbane. Shitet e mobiluar.
Shitet: 65000 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

In the area of Ali Demit, near the former sports field is sold as a 2 + 1 apartment. The apartment is a new construction, of 2014, with a sales contract. The total area of the apartment is 83.45 m2 where 72 m2 is internal net. The apartment has quality work, located on the 3rd floor and is organized in 2 bedrooms, living room with kitchen, corridor, large veranda and a bathroom with window and equipped with shower cubicle. It is located in a quiet neighbourhood and close to urban lines. Sold furnished.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com