Prane 21 Dhjetorit, ne nje zone shume te qete shitet apartament 1+1 me siperfaqe hipotekore 75 m2. Eshte i pozicionuar ne katin e 2-te te nje pallati 7 katesh me ashensor. Apartamenti eshte i organizuar ne nje sallon te madh bashke me guzhinen, koridori, dhoma e gjumit, 1 tualet dhe ballkoni. Ka orientimin nga jug-lindja. Ndodhet prane gjithe zonave me te njohura te cilat mund ti arrish dhe ne rruge kembesore per 10 minuta. Eshte totalisht i mobiluar dhe aktualisht eshte i dhene me qira 300 Euro / muaji me kontrate afatgjate.
Shitet: 86.250 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Near the 21st of December, in a very quiet area is sold 1 + 1 apartment with 75 m2 of a mortgage. It is located on the 2nd floor of a 7 storey building with lift. The apartment is organized in a large living room with kitchen, corridor, bedroom, 1 toilet and balcony. It has a south-east orientation. It is located near all the most popular areas you can reach and on foot in 10 minutes. It is fully furnished and currently, it is rented 300 Euro/month with a long-term contract.
Price: 86.250 Euro.
Kontaktoni : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com