Sa kalon unazen e madhe, prane Amerikan 3 jepet njesi sherbimi me qera. Njesia ka nje siperfaqe te bollshme totale prej 300 m2. Eshte 2 kate, 1 bodrum dhe kati pare. Eshte totalisht i sapo rikonstrukturuar dhe i mobiluar per biznese te ndryshme. I pershtatshem per banke, klinike, qender biznesi etj. Gjithashtu ka avantazh dhe per furre buke apo bakery, pasi ka akses per furgon direkt ne bodrum. Kati bodrum eshte 240 m2, ndersa kati 1 eshte 60 m2.
Qeraja: 1000 Euro / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone e me shume detaje na kontaktoni ne:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com

Near Unaza e madhe, near US 3 is provided with a rental service unit. The unit has a total area of 300 m2. It is 2 floors, 1 basement and first floor. It is totally newly reconstructed and furnished for different businesses. Suitable for bank, clinic, business centre etc. It also has the advantage of a bakery or bakery, as it has access to the van directly in the basement. The basement floor is 240 m2, while the 1st floor is 60 m2.
Rent: 1000 Euro / Month
For a property visit and more details contact us at:
Kontakt : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona.com