Ne Tirane prane gjimnazit Partizani ne rrugen 4 Deshmoret
SHITET apartament
2+1 me siperfaqe totale 65 m2. Apartamenti ndodhet ne nje pallat te ri me punime cilesore te sapoperfunduar per kete arsye eshte ne proces hipotekimi. Pozicioni i pallatit shume i favorshem dhe orientimi i apartamentit nga perendimi.
78.000 euro.Per cdo informacion Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In Tirana near Partizani High School in 4 Deshmoret Street SALE 2 + 1 apartment with total surface 65 m2. The apartment is located in a new building with quality works completed for this reason is under the mortgage process. The position of the apartment is very favorable and the orientation of the apartment from the west.
Price 78.000 euros.
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona