Ne Tirane ne rrugen Muhamet Gjollesha
SHITET apartament 2+1 me siperfaqe totale
68 m2. Apartamenti eshte i restauruar dhe te gjitha ambjentet jane te shtruara me parket. Apartamenti ndodhet ne katin e 4 te nje pallati ekzistues i cili ndodhet ne nje pozicion shume komod edhe per levizje ne kembe.
77.000 euro.
Kontakte :

In Tirana in Muhamet Gjollesha street SALE 2 + 1 apartment with 68 m2 of living space. The apartment is restored and all the rooms are paved with parquet flooring. The apartment is located on the 4th floor of an existing building which is located in a very comfortable position for walking.
Prices 77.000 euros.
Kontakte : 0698095095