Ne zonen Palase te Dhermise shiten 5000 m2 Toke. Ndodhet ne nje zone shume te bukur, ne kodrine prane rruges kryesore por dhe me pamje nga Deti. Toka eshte e pershtatshme per investim dhe rreth e perqark ka plot individ dhe shoqeri turistike vendas dhe te huaj te cilet kane ndertuar biznese familjare, resorte turistike. Toka shitet per arsye largimi jasht vendit. Ne proces hipotekimi.
Shitet: 70 Euro / m2
Per me shume kontaktoni:
Cel. 0698095095

In the Palas area of Dhermi are for sale 5000 m2 Land. Situated in a very beautiful area, on a hill near the main road but overlooking the sea. The land is suitable for investment and around there are plenty of individuals and local and foreign tourism companies who have built family businesses, tourist resorts. The land is sold for reasons of removal abroad. In the mortgage process.
For sale: 70 Euro / m2
For more contact:
Cel. 0698095095