Ne zonen e rruges "Barrikadave" shitet nje njesi sherbimi. Ambjenti eshte me hipoteke.
Ndodhet ne pjesen e brendeshme te godines, por ka nje fasade mjaft te shfrytezueshme. Lartesia eshte e konsiderueshme dhe mund ti jepet forme dubleksi.
Siperfaqa eshte 50 m2. dhe cmimi eshte preferencial per vleren e zones.
Dyqani mund te perdoret per shume funksione si; dyqan, zyre, berber, parukeri, klinike, sherbime te ndryshme, farmaci dhe bar-lokal, etj.
Eshte dhene me qera, nje mundesi shum e mire kjo per bleresin pasi dhe qeran e ka te garantuar.
Per me shume informacion kontaktoni ne numrin: 0698095095
In the area of "Barrikadave" street is for sale a service unit with mortgageIt is located in the interior of the building, but has a very usable front view. The height is considerable and can be given a duplex shape.
The surface area is 50 m2. And the price is preferential to the value of the area.
The store can be used for many functions like; Shop, office, barber, hairdresser, clinic, various services, pharmacy, bar-local, etc.
Kontakt : 0698095095
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