Ne nje zone te qete prane shkolles Mihal Grameno, jepet apartament 2+1 me qera. Apartamenti ka siperfaqen 148 m2 dhe ndodhet ne katin e 4 te nje apartamenti 8 katesh. Apartamenti eshte totalisht i mobiluar me kushte bashkohore dhe perbehet nga 2 dhoma gjumi, njera prej te cilave eshte matrimoniale, 2 tualete, njeri prej te cileve eshte me vaske. Ka dhe nje ambjent te vecuar gatimi ngrenieje. Gjithashtu ka dhe 2 veranda te medha rreth 40 m2. Apartamenti jepet vetem per familjare dhe persona serioz dhe jo me shume femije.
Qeraja: 300 Euro/Muaji
Per me shume na Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona
Next, to the school, Mihal Grameno, is given 2 + 1 for the apartment. The apartment has 148 m2 of living space and is located on the 4th floor of an 8-storey apartment. The apartment is fully furnished with contemporary conditions and consists of 2 bedrooms, one of which is matrimonial, 2 bathrooms, one of which is with bath. There is also a separate eating area. There are also 2 large verandas about 40 m2. The apartment is provided only for families and serious persons and not more children.
Price: 300 Euro / Month
For more information Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona