Ne nje zone shume prane Zogut te zi, dhe prane linjave urbanistike, jepet apartament 1+1 me qera. Apartamenti ndodhet ne zonen e Don Boskos, prane Bankes Credins. Ndodhet ne katin e 6 banim te nje pallati te ri dhe ka siperfaqe totale 70 m2. Apartamenti ka 1 dhome gjumi, sallonin bashke me guzhinen dhe 1 tualet me dritare. Sic mund ti shikoni dhe nga fotot eshte totalisht i mobiluar me pajise komplet te reja. Apartamenti eshte me punime shume cilesore. Ashensori ne pallat eshte i vendosur, por duke qene i ri si ndertese, nuk eshte vene akoma ne pune. Do te vihet se shpejti. Cmimi: 250 Euro / Muaji
Per nje vizite ne prone, na kontaktoni ne kete:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona

In a very close area of Zogu i zi, and by the urban lines, is for rent 1 + 1 apartment. The apartment is located in the Don Bosco area, near Credins Bank. It is located on the 6th floor of a new building. The apartment has 1 bedroom, living room with kitchen and 1 bathroom with window. As you can see and from the pictures, it is fully furnished with completely new equipment. The apartment is of very high quality. The elevator in the palace is set, but being new as a building is not yet in operation. It is expected to be released soon.
Price: 250 Euro / Month
For a visit to the property, contact us at:
Kontakton : 0698095095
Email : marketing@infoprona